Category Archives: Discipline

Parenting Tip: Work Together as a Team

It’s Difficult Given how hard it is, is it really THAT important that you agree?   The Problems Disagreements can cause conflict between parents and confusion in children. They also give kids an opportunity to play parents off one another. … Continue reading

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Parenting Tip: When possible, allow children to make choices.

Have you ever wondered how you can encourage your children to cooperate with you and become more responsible? If so, then today’s tip will be helpful to you: When possible, allow your children to make choices in matters that affect … Continue reading

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Parenting Tip: Allow Children to Make Mistakes They can Learn from

Have you ever watched your child on the edge of making a mistake? It plays out in slow motion. Perhaps it is something small like trying to pick up too many things at once and having everything slip out of … Continue reading

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Parenting Tip: Don’t Ask a Question if “No” is Not an Answer

Think about how many questions you ask your kids in a given day – especially when you are trying to get them to do something. Questions like: “Honey, will you brush your teeth now?” “It’s time to do your homework, … Continue reading

Posted in A - Z Parenting Tips, Communication, Discipline | 1 Comment

Parenting Tip: Give Short Explanations

Just yesterday I was at the grocery store and I heard the following conversation between a mother and her first-grader: Now, Suzie, I am sorry but you cannot buy any candy. It isn’t good for your body, which needs certain … Continue reading

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Parenting Tip: Manage Children’s Frustrations by Changing the Mood

Has your child ever protested or refused to get ready to go when you tell him it is time to leave a friend’s house? This can be a very annoying – not to mention embarrassing – situation be in. When … Continue reading

Posted in A - Z Parenting Tips, Anger, Discipline | Leave a comment

Parenting Tip: Let Children Experience Natural Consequences

Loving parents who want their children to be successful and to reach their potential often err on the side of being over-protective and overly involved in their children’s struggles. They go to extreme lengths to keep their children from experiencing … Continue reading

Posted in A - Z Parenting Tips, Discipline | 1 Comment

Looking Back to Parent Forward

“Be the parent you wish you had.” ~ Dr. Louise Hart, Parenting Expert   Growing up with seven brothers and sisters was very lively; there was always someone to play with, holidays were rollicking events, and older siblings showed the … Continue reading

Posted in A - Z Parenting Tips, Co-parenting, Discipline | Leave a comment

Parenting Styles: Two Different Reactions

Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment. … Continue reading

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Pledge to Stop Spanking

Were you spanked as a child? Sorry, but bad behavior from the “good old days” does not justify spanking today. We did many stupid things in the old days: we rode around in cars with no seatbelts; we smoked in … Continue reading

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