Thanks Dad!

“Hang tough.” ~ Timmy Donahue (my father) to me

“Be yourself – don’t let anyone make you feel you can’t be yourself.” ~Glenn Gawinowicz (my husband) to my son

A thank you card from the kids: Thanks, Dad, for taking us to the creek and letting us upturn the big rocks to look for toads. Thanks, Dad, for picking us up when you came home from work and twirling us around, one on each arm, even though you were dog-tired and covered in dirt and grease. Thanks, Dad, for taking us to lunch and the playground every Saturday so Mom could get some rest. Thanks, Dad, for being so funny. Thanks, Dad, for taking us to the concert at 9:00 at night in a bad part of town and sitting in a coffee shop down the street for three hours until the concert was over. Thanks, Dad, for getting up at 4:00 a.m. on a Sunday in the middle of the winter to take me to my ice-hockey game. Thanks, Dad, for telling me I’m beautiful and smart and don’t let anybody tell me otherwise. Thanks, Dad, for everything – you’re the greatest.

Thanks for all the often thankless but important and enriching things that Dads do for their kids!

by Claire Gawinowicz, Certified Parenting Educator

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