Finding Gratitude

“It’s always something.”
-Rosanne Rosannadanna

We recently experienced a couple of family crises during which I felt like I had nothing to be grateful for. I asked myself over and over, “When will this roller-coaster life settle down and become peaceful?” as I wallowed day after day in a prolonged pity party. Then, just in time for Thanksgiving, I found a passage that gave me an epiphany: 

Rather than life being hills and valleys, life is kind of like two rails on a railroad track, and at all times you have something good and something bad in your life. No matter how good things are in your life, there is always something not so good that needs to be worked on. And no matter how bad things are in your life, there is always something good to be thankful for.

I realized that running along the “tracks” of my crises were many good things: a neighbor who insisted I call her whenever I needed to talk, a wise friend who counseled me, young adult children with whom I had a great relationship, and a very patient husband. And how could I have coped without the little things like strong coffee in the morning, long walks along the Wissahickon, and interesting foreign flicks at the local theater?

So when the train of life derails, try to track down the things that might move you and your family towards gratitude during the upcoming holiday season.

                                                    Happy Thanksgiving!

by Claire Gawinowicz
Certified Parenting Educator

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